You can pause/play character themes individually by pressing C > right-click on them > Toggle Music.While your Persona is Legendary, it will level up twice as fast as well as gain double the stat increase as it would normally. This will completely reset your Persona's level and change its' appearence, while also keeping all of the skills it has learned. To further increase your Persona's power beyond level 99, you have to navigate to the Persona menu and press "Make Legendary".The HUD elements themselves were developed using both a 1080p and a 2K monitor, so they will look their absolute best at those resolutions! It is recommended that you play with a 1080p monitor or higher though, as Garry's Mod can only scale text to a certain degree. Persona Mod HUD elements are designed to scale with your Garry's Mod resolution.Reload (or R) - Cycle between Skill Cards.RMB - Use Special attack (if Melee Skill Card is highlighted on your HUD, this will mark it as your current Melee ability).Here are the controls while using a Persona (assuming you've bound the above keys):.EXAMPLE: bind "downarrow" "persona_updateskilltable".

EXAMPLE: bind "mouse5" "target_persona".EXAMPLE: bind "mouse4" "summon_persona".To use your Persona, you must first put these controls in your console:.I'm open for any suggestion, may it be downloading addons, using console scripts or even coding. What I want is being able to set a relationship between NPCs that share the same faction. Here's a graphic explaining the situation : But I won't be able to make rebel medics and citizens hate each others permanently because they're considered as the same faction. Using more advanced tools, I can only alter the relationship of one faction regarding another, for example setting the relationship of rebel AI and antlion AI to "friendly".

I can set the relationship of combines who are already spawned using for example Silverlan's NPC Tools, but it is not permanent - once the combines I've set the relationship of are dead, the battle is over. Problem is that there is no way I can make those combine team permanently hostile to each other, because they're on the same AI faction by default : "combine". So I create a spawner for combine team A (let's say combine blue soldiers) and combine team B (let's say combine red shotgunners). I want to create a combine versus combine permanent war using AI spawners (because I find their AI to be the most intelligent and fun to watch/fight). One thing that prevents me from doing it is that I can't set relationship for each NPC I spawn individually. I'm currently trying to make nice looking and balanced NPC battles within nice looking maps. Donc pour ceux qui parlent français, vous pouvez me répondre et je comprendrais c: